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1. The Bible is the final standard for truth and justice.
2. God has instituted government for the benefit of man and for His glory.
3. Civil government should be limited while upholding the fundamental rights that God has given.
4. The Bible, history and prudence has demonstrated that a civil government based upon Biblical morality using a capitalistic economy and having a constitutional-republic with checks and balances is the best type of government.
5. Christians are called to be a part of the civil government, at the very least by voting for the candidate who will move the needle of justice closer to the ideal and by influencing their representatives.
6. LIFC will assist in helping others and especially Christians to better understand how government works and how to become a faithful participant in it.
7. LIFC will educate wherever the opportunity arises and will assist those who want to run for public office and will add voter guides on our website.

Our liberty depends on our education, our laws, and habits
. . . it is founded on morals and religion, whose authority reigns in the heart, and on the influence all these produce on public opinion before that opinion governs rulers.

                                                                        Fisher Ames

    First Amendment Framer     

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"As civil government increases....self, family and church governments decrease. God's order of governing is this...All power resides with God; He dispenses some of it to people and institutions, who thereby gain their identity, out of that identity comes responsibility, out of that responsibility comes their purpose and out of that purpose comes their mission. All politicians are servants representing the civil government, and they should be aiming to align civil government with the proper outlay of governmental powers respecting the order in which they were created...self, then family, then church, and finally civil (which only exists because of sin)...otherwise they commit a jurisdictional trespass which will trend towards tyranny."  Bruce Bennett


Chairman Bruce Bennett, a gifted speaker is ready to speak to your group to help them better understand how government works and how to become a faithful participant in it. Click below to book Bruce Bennett to speak at your event.


Long Island Family Coalition seeks to assist and mobilize those who want to truly make America a great nation!  Please schedule a free presentation at a place (preferably public) near you!  If you are unable to schedule a free presentation--then consider a visit to our Voter Guide and/or Learn WIth Us pages where you can get some fundamental information!



Long Island Family Coalition (LIFC) was founded in 2006. We are the Long Island chapter of New Yorker's for Constitutional Freedoms since 2012. LIFC will assist in helping others, especially Christians to better understand how government works and how to become a faithful participant in it. We will educate wherever the opportunity arises and will assist those who want to run for public office.

We will also offer voter guides on our website.


Centereach, NY

Tel: 631 806-0614

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L.I.F.C. Mission Statement: Long Island Family Coalition is a Christian ministry dedicated to educate and equip people to better understand the government and how to better impact it for the glory of God.

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